But who is there that will not, with good reason, be surprised to learn that a tree has been introduced among us from
a foreign clime for nothing but its shade? I mean the plane,[1]
which was first brought across the Ionian Sea to the Isle[2] of
Diomedes, there to be planted at his tomb, and was afterwards
imported thence into Sicily, being one of the very first exotic
trees that were introduced into Italy. At the present day,
however, it has penetrated as far as the country of the
Morini, and occupies even a tributary[3] soil; in return for which
those nations have to pay a tax for the enjoyment of its shade.
Dionysius the Elder, one of the tyrants of Sicily, had plane-trees conveyed to the city of Rhegium, where they were looked
upon as the great marvel of his palace, which was afterwards
converted into a gymnasium. These trees did not, however,
in that locality, attain any very great height. I find it also
stated by some authors, that there were some other instances,
in those days even, of plane-trees being found in Italy, and I
find some mentioned by name as existing in Spain.[4]
1. The Platanus orientalis of Linnæus. It received its name from the
Greek pla/tos, "breadth," by reason of its wide-spreading branches.
2. For further mention of this island, now Tremiti, see B. iii. c. 30.
3. He alludes, probably, to the "vectigal solarium," a sort of ground-
rent which the tributary nations paid to the Roman treasury. Virgil and
Homer speak of the shade of the plane-tree, as a pleasant resort for festive
4. It is not improbable that Pliny, in copying from Theophrastus, has
here committed an error. That author, B. ix. c. 7, says: e)n me\n ga\r tw=|
)Adri/a pla/tanon ou) fasin ei)=nai, plh\n peri\ to\ Diomh/dous i(ero/n: spani/an
de\ kai\ )Itali\a| pa/sh|."They say that in Adria there are no plane-trees, except about the temple of Diomedes: and that they are extremely
rare in Italy." Pliny, probably, when his secretary was reading to him,
mistook the word spani/an, "rare," for )Ispani/a|, "in Spain."